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Friday, January 15, 2010

Longest time spent watching sports TV.

CHICAGO, IL, USA -- Jeff Miller, 26, an independent businessman from Rogers Park, watched televised sports for 72 hours-setting the world record for the Longest time spent watching sports TV.

Photo: Jeff Miller, ESPN Zone Chicago Ultimate Couch Potato winner, has also won the World Record for the "It's all about determination," said Miller, who was allowed one five-minute break per hour and one bathroom break every eight hours.

Jeff Miller sat down on an ESPN Zone recliner at 10 a.m. Friday (New Year's Day) and didn't stop watching televised sports until 10 a.m. Monday.
"He's driven in everything he does," gushed girlfriend Barbra Carqueville, explaining how her boyfriend's real-estate business affords him time to sit these days.
Added ESPN Zone's Brian Hanover, "Most people have no idea what it takes to win. They don't understand the endurance it takes to stay awake and control bodily issues. Jeff is uniquely qualified. He's an expert."
Jeff Miller, an independent businessman from Rogers Park, clinched his third consecutive Ultimate Couch Potato title at Chicago's ESPN Zone.
"It's a lot more challenging than people think," Miller said by phone Wednesday. "The body reacts in a very strange way after being deprived that long. There are definitely hallucinations. ... In my head, the competition took place in a dozen different rooms. Really, it was just one room."
Miller, a real estate business owner, was rewarded with a new recliner, a $1000 gift card toward a new TV, free cable/satellite for a year, and $1000 in ESPN Zone credit. Oh, and of course a trophy, topped with an actual potato.
ESPN's TV-marathon rules mirror Guinness world records rules: no sleeping, no leaving the chair except for thrice-daily bathroom breaks and hourly, five-minute stretches

source:- ESPN

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